Appointment of new Dzongrab and Dungpas

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The Hon’ble Nangshid Lyonpo conferred Dhar to a Dzongrab and three Dungpas on 6th July, 2017. The officials appointed will serve in following places:
1. Lam Dorji- Dzongrab, Trashi Yangtsi Dzongkhag;
2. Sangay Phuntsho- Dungpa, Womrong Dungkhag, Trashigang;
3. Wangchen Norbu- Dungpa, Thrimzing Dungkhag, Trashigang &;
4. Tashi Tenzin- Dungpa, Weringla Dungkhag, Monggar.
The Officials were appointed through open competition held on 07 June, 2017.